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#105 : Le Code d'Honneur

Marilyn, qui se mèle toujours des problèmes de Pamela, semble avoir un secret que Roxy ne tarde pas à découvrir. Joan pense à prendre sa retraite forcée après la prise d'otage mais Roland intervient auprès du colonel Holden pour la défendre. Chase entre dans la Delta Force.


4.75 - 8 votes

Titre VO
Independance Day

Titre VF
Le Code d'Honneur

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Claudie Joy Holden, Denise Sherwood et son fils Jeremy

Claudie Joy Holden, Denise Sherwood et son fils Jeremy

Roxy et Trevor LeBlanc et Pamela Moran

Roxy et Trevor LeBlanc et Pamela Moran

Denise Sherwood

Denise Sherwood

Claudia Joy Holden

Claudia Joy Holden

Roxy et Trevor LeBlanc

Roxy et Trevor LeBlanc

Chase Moran

Chase Moran

Michael et Claudia Joy Holden et leur fille Amanda, et Denise Sherwood et son fils Jeremy

Michael et Claudia Joy Holden et leur fille Amanda, et Denise Sherwood et son fils Jeremy

Roxy et Trevor LeBlanc et Pamela Moran

Roxy et Trevor LeBlanc et Pamela Moran

Roxy et Trevor LeBlanc, Pamela et Chase Moran, et Michael Holden

Roxy et Trevor LeBlanc, Pamela et Chase Moran, et Michael Holden

Trevor LeBlanc et Chase Moran

Trevor LeBlanc et Chase Moran

Roxy LeBlanc et Pamela Moran

Roxy LeBlanc et Pamela Moran


Logo de la chaîne TF1 Séries Films

France (redif)
Lundi 17.04.2017 à 09:10

Plus de détails

Titre VF : Le Code d'Honneur

Diffusion USA : 1 juillet 2007

Diffusion France : 3 décembre 2008

Scénariste : Tanya Biank

Réalisateur : John Kretchmer

Maison des Holden

Michael est dans la cuisine et demande à Claudia Joy où elle était. Elle est allée se changer les idées car elle n’arrive pas à oublier les images de la prise d’otages. Claudia Joy demande à Michael comment il fait lui qui a l’habitude. Il lui répond que ce n’est jamais facile.


Maison des Burton

Joan est pressée. Elle a rendez-vous avez Michael pour s’expliquer sur ce qu’il s’est passé. Pour elle c’est de sa faute malgré le réconfort e Roland.


Maison des Sherwood

Denise, toujours inquiète, se demande pourquoi elle n’a toujours pas de nouvelles. Jeremy essaie de la réconforter, alors elle lui raconte sa rencontre avec son père.


Maison des Moran

Chase est en train de se préparer pour un éventuel départ. Pamela lui dit qu’elle ne veut pas savoir s’il faisait partie des tireurs d’élite présent à la prise d’otage, mais elle veut qu’il sache qu’elle est très fière de lui et qu’elle l’aime.


Maison des LeBlanc

Roxy est inquiète de savoir si Trevor sera le même lorsqu’il se revenu d’Iraq. Il la rassure en lui confirmant que oui.


Bureau de Roland à l’hôpital.

Claudia Joy vient voir Roland pour prendre des nouvelles. Lui, il va bien, elle, elle essaie de se garder l’esprits occupé surtout avec le pique nique du 4 juillet qu’elle doit organiser.

La femme de Peter Belgrad arrive. Elle veut en savoir plus sur ce qu’il s’est passé et comprendre pourquoi son mari est considéré comme un criminel. C’est à ce moment là que Claudia Joy apprend qu’il ne bénéficiera pas d’obsèques militaires.


Maison des LeBlanc

T.J voulant essaie Finn à répéter son rôle pour le 4 juillet, lui colle une fausse moustache avec de la glue. Trevor arrange le problème avec du dissolvant pour éviter d’aller à l’hôpital.


Bureau de Michael

Michael demande des explications à Joan sur les raisons de la prise d’otage. La sentence est dure. Elle a trois jours pour répondre aux accusations de Michael proclame.


Maison des Sherwood

Amanda vient voir Jeremy pour savoir comment va Denise. Il lui répond que la situation est tendu et lui révèle à demi-mot le problème. Amande lui conseille de s’excuser.


Maison des Holden

Claudia Joy fait revenir Michael à la maison pour savoir pourquoi Peter Belgrad ne bénéficiera pas d’obsèques militaires. Il a suivi le protocole, il ne reviendra pas sur sa décisions.


Maison des Burton

Joan prévient Roland qu’elle veut abandonner ses fonctions au sein de l’armée à cause de tout ce qu’il s’est passé. Roland essaie de l’en dissuader, mais rien n’y fait.


Hump Bar

Roxy se retrouve nez à nez avec Marilyn et son amant. Tellement surpris de la voir là, le couple décidé de partir.


Maison des Sherwood

Denise avoue a Jeremy qu’elle est contente qu’il ne parte pas à West Point car elle a quelqu’un pour rester avec elle quand elle est seule. Par la même occasion, il s’excuse pour tout le mal qui lui a fait.


Maison des Holden

Claudia Joy demande à Michael s’il a des nouvelles de Frank. Il n’en a pas, alors elle lui demande de continuer à se renseigner. Michael veut reparler de ce qu’il s’est passé auparavant au sujet de Belgrad. Pas la peine, Claudia Joy a bien compris, elle ne veut pas revenir sur le sujet.


Maison des LeBlanc

Repas entre amis avec Trevor, Roxy, Pamela et Chase.

Les hommes d’un coté. Chase donne des conseils à Trevor sur son déploiement. Il lui conseille d’appeler autant de fois qu’il peut sa famille. Il est conscient qu’il a fait du mal à Pamela.

Du coté des filles, Roxy apprend à Pamela qu’elle a vu Marilyn et son amant au Hump Bar. Elle veut en parler à Trevor, mais Pamela lui dit qu’elle ne peut pas. Entre femmes de militaires, elles se soutiennent et gardent leurs secrets. Cela fait partie de leur code.


Bureau de Michael

Roland vient voir Michael pour essayer d’adoucir la sentence de Joan, et il lui apprend, qu’elle souhaite abandonner, et qu’elle souffre de Stress Post Traumatique. Selon Michael, Joan est un très bon soldat, mais il ne peut pas revenir en arrière.


Maison des Holden

Claudia Joy et Amanda prépare le pique-nique du 4 juillet. Amanda en profite pour demander à sa mère si ce qu’elle fait ça lui plait. Amanda souhaite ne jamais se marier avec un militaire, mais Claudia Joy lui dit que l’on ne choisit pas qui on aime.


Hump Bar

Marilyn vient voir Roxy pour ne pas répéter son secret malgré tout le mal qu’elle a fait à Pamela. Roxy ne dira rien. Marilyn lui demandé si ça lui fait plaisir de la voir comme ça. Non, elle plus pitié d’elle.


Maison des Burton

Joan informe Roland qu’elle a finit sa demande de détachement, et qu’elle est décidée à suivre un traitement pour se remettre de son Stress Post Traumatique.


Maison des Sherwood

Claudia Joy vient annoncer à Denise que Frank et vivant et qu’il est sur le chemin du retour. Denis et Jeremy sont soulagés.


Maison des Holden

Jeremy propose son aide à Amanda. Elle en profite pour lui dire qu’elle est contente que Frank soit en vie. Et Jeremy lui avoue qui a parlé à sa mère que maintenant tout va bien.


Pique-Nique du 4 juillet

Trevor présente Roxy à son sergent, qui se trouve être le mari de Marilyn. Roxy lui demande de faire attention à son mari en Iraq, et qu’elle et Marilyn sont amies.

Michael informe Joan qu’il a reçu sa demande, et qu’il lui donnera une réponse le lendemain.

Emmalin présente les enfants qui ont préparé une chanson américaine patriotique « America The Beautiful »

A la fin, Finn cri à sa mère par le micro qu’il a envie d’aller aux toilettes. Quand Roxy revient, Pamela lui dit que l’armée a déployé la Delta Force et que Chase est parti.

Claudia Joy fait un discours en expliquant sa fierté d’être à la fois mère et femme de militaire, et que tout comme leur mari, les épouses servent leur pays.

Parallèlement, se déroulent les obsèques « militaires » de Peter Belgrad. Seuls sa femmes, et ses enfants sont présents.

Rédigé par wiclo


Claudia Joy : Good morning.

Michael : Where did you go?

Claudia Joy : Up by the pond. I keep seeing his face when he died replaying it over and over in my head...

Michael : I know.

Claudia Joy : You see people die all the time I don't know how you do it Michael.

Michael : That never gets any easier. I've missed you.

Claudia Joy : I've missed you too.



Roland : Where're you going?

Joan : Michael Holden asked me to report to his office at 9:00 hours. Can't be good. Roland... I am sorry that you had to hear about what happened over there from Peter Belgrad. I should have told you myself. I couldn't save that girl. As much as Peter wanted me to, and as much as I wanted to...  it was against Army regulations. I had no choice. I saved my men.

Roland : You were put in a tough position. What would you have done?

Joan : I would have tried to save her.

Roland : I knew you'd say that.



Denise : It's been 48 hours. They must know by now if your father's alive or not.

Jeremy : He's ok, mum, I know it. Just like Mrs Holden was ok.

Denise : I hope so, Jeremy. I met your father, I was working in a E.R., Fort Bliss. They brought a man, he broken his leg and his arm. Oh he had to be a baby, it was laughing. He just wanna bet that he could jump off a radio tower and live.

Jeremy : You never told me that.

Denise : Yeah, well we didn't want to get you any ideas. Yeah, your father was pretty wild then. He had no interest in getting married, he just...  just jumping out of planes. He said he took one look at me and... fell like I was handed in back of his heart. I taped up and bandaged again.


MORAN’S HOME - Kitchen

Chase : Your hair's getting better.

Pamela : Thanks. What are you doing?

Chase : Trying to make it look war. They pray five times a day, you know?

Pamela : Chase... Chase... I'm not gonna ask you if you were there yesterday, with the snipe routine, at the hospital. I just want you to know that I'm proud of you and I love you.


LEBLANC’S HOME – Parent’s room

Trevor : You're awake.

Roxy : I'm just thinking.

Trevor : Don't worry Rox.

Roxy : I mean look at you. Are you gonna be the same man when you get back?

Trevor : I will be.



Roland : Claudia Joy, hello.

Claudia Joy : Hi Roland. I'm sorry, I should have called first. I don't know I just, uh... felt compelled to come back here. I understand, you've been through a lot.

Roland : We both did.

Claudia Joy : How are you feeling?

Roland : Still processing. How about you?

Claudia Joy : You know me, I'm fine.

Roland : Really?

Claudia Joy : No. Well, I have to keep myself together. I'm hosting the 4th of July picnic at my house. 75 people are coming. I've centerpieces to arrange.

Roland : Why doesn't someone else throw the picnic this year?

Claudia Joy : That's what I do.

Sarah : Excuse me... Dr. Burton?

Roland : Yes.

Sarah : I'm Sarah Belgrad. Peter Belgrad's wife. Um, uh should I come back later?

Roland : No please, come in. This is Claudia Joy Holden, she was with me yesterday.

Sarah : So you... you were both in here.

Roland : That's right.

Sarah : Yeah, I just need to see where it happened, if that's ok. I need to understand what happened to my husband. I know that sounds crazy.

Roland : Crazy it is.

Sarah : Funny how that word sounds now. These were his personal effects.

Roland : Do you wanna sit down?

Sarah : No, no, thank you. It's my fault. I'm so sorry that this happened to both of you.

Roland : Please, you can't blame yourself.

Sarah : No, no, I appreciate that, really, but uh... I should've tried harder. I've been going over it and over and over in my mind and I... I knew something was wrong. That something bad happened over there. At first he was angry and then he just... shut down. He said I wouldn't understand. So I... I gave up. I took the kids and I left. You know they're calling him a criminal now. They won't even give him a military funeral. I've known him since I was 15. I...I don't know how this could've happened, I... Yeah, you-you must... you must think he's some kind of monster. Thank you, I'm sorry.



Finn : He's hurting my face!

T.J : It won't come off!

Roxy : TJ what did you do?

T.J : I was helping!

Roxy : How were you helping?

Trevor : What is this?

T.J : What?

Trevor : TJ! Modelling glue is for models, not for little brothers. Not funny!

Roxy : What do we do? Do we take him to the Emergency Room?

Trevor : Allright, hold on, hold on. Let's see.

Finn : Ouch !!

Trevor : Ok, ok.

Roxy : What were you doing?

Trevor : It's two days before July's 4th why are you even wearing your costume?

Finn : Because I needed to rehearse.

Trevor : Well now, you've got a beard. Allright.

Roxy : What is that? Nail polish remover?

Trevor : Don't ask.

Roxy : God, I've got like five hundred errands to do, I'm gonna be so late for work. Hey, I got it. Go!

Trevor : Are you sure?

Roxy : Go! G.O.!

Trevor : Allright, come here. How does it feel?

Finn : Good.

Trevor : You sure?

Finn : I'm sure.

Trevor : Ok. One, two, three.


FORT MARSHALL – Michael’s Office

Joan : Lieutenant Colonel Burton reporting as ordered.

Michael : Lieutenant Colonel Burton will you tell us why we're here.

Joan : I made a mistake. I failed to follow procedure, Sir.

Michael : We're here because a United State soldier's dead.

Joan : I understand, Sir.

Michael : Lieutenant Colonel Joan W. Burton, you failed to report to medical personnel the serious, and life threatening actions of your subordinate, Sergeant Peter Belgrad. This failure resulted in later putting medical personnel a civilian, and yourself at great risk, and may have contributed to your subordinate's untimely death. As your commanding officer I'm duty bound to inform you that I intend to take article 15 action against you. You have three days to respond at these charges. If you so choose to fight the article 15 action you may write a statement, but anything you say can be used against you and in the outcome of these charges... I'm relieving you of your command. Have I made myself clear Lieutenant Colonel Burton?

Joan : Very clear, Sir.

Michael : Dismissed.



Denise : Who is it?

Jeremy : It's Amanda, mom. Is your mum allright?

Amanda : I was gonna ask you  the same thing, uh... but yeah, my mom's ok, I think... Kinda hard to tell... she keeps all inside. How about yours?

Jeremy : She won't eat anything.

Amanda : Do you guys talk? Is everything allright?

Jeremy : Well, there've been problems. It's my fault. I keep try to make things right, but... I don't know how. I thought of saying I'm sorry but it just doesn't seem enough.

Amanda : Well, have you tried?


HOLDEN’S HOME – Living room

Claudia Joy : Michael?

Michael : What is it? What's wrong?

Claudia Joy : You're saying Peter Belgrad didn't die in the line of duty!

Michael : He didn't, Claudia Joy. The man is a criminal, plain and simple. This is why you called me home to talk about Belgrad?

Claudia Joy : I just met his widow. Her name is Sarah. They have two children, she's gonna lose all her benefits their medical insurance, college tuition for their children, living expenses... All because you  Michael Holden have decided her husband doesn't deserve a military funeral.

Michael : He insulted a military policeman, he stole a gun, and took two hostages. He could have killed you! He would've killed you if we had not intervened.

Claudia Joy : He wasn't going to kill us, Michael! You weren't there, I was.

Michael : Regardless, my course of action is clear. The man had a breakdown.

Claudia Joy : His wife left him. Don't penalize her and the kids for what he may have done wrong!

Michael : There is a code. It's called the Uniform Code of Military Justice. I didn't make it up, but I believe in it. That's why I swored uphold its principles.

Claudia Joy : Do you know him? Did you ever meet Peter Belgrad? You heard what happened to him over there, with Joan Burton. He was not going to kill us, Michael. He just wanted to hear Joan say she was sorry. Please, give Peter Belgrad a military funeral. Give his family that closure.

Michael : I made a decision, I will not go back on it.

Claudia Joy : Michael he's...

Michael : Claudia Joy! For 18 years, I've listened to everything you've said. I've trusted your judgement. But when it concerns the fundamental truth of my professional life there is a line that divides me as a soldier from you, as the soldier's wife. And you've never crossed that line... until right now.


BURTON’S HOME – Living-room

Roland : What are you doing?

Joan : Michael Holden is taking article 15 action against me. I could be fined, confined in my quarters, or arrested, but... regardless of what the final judgement is I am no longer promotable. My carrier is essentially over.

Roland : And is there nothing you can do?

Joan : I could fight it. I could write a statement defending my actions, to see if they consider it.

Roland : And if they do?

Joan : Maybe they can drop the article 15, just give me a letter of reprimand instead to go on my record but... I can return to duty.

Roland : Good. Then write the statement.

Joan : I can't do that. I can't defend my actions. They are indefensible.

Roland : You made a judgement call about Peter Belgrad. You were trying to protect him. So are you just gonna give up? That's not like you Joan. You never give up.

Joan : I've been drinking, leaving bottle around the house. Just like my father. I swore I would never be like him. That's why I join the army in the first place. You know where I come from. You know how hard it was for me to get here. Now look at me. I am a failure. Build as a soldier, and now failed as your wife.

Roland : Hey... you haven't failed me, Joan.



Man : Look, Marilyn... I know a lot of people do this kind of thing, but not me. I feel guilty all the time.

Marilyn : But I'm so happy. I haven't been happy in a long time. I got you this. To the world, you may be one person but to one person, you may be the world.

Man : Yeah, it's pretty corny.

Marilyn : No. It's beautiful.

Roxy : Well, now I am hallucinating.

Marilyn : You work here?

Roxy : Well the tip jar's full so, some is working. Can I get you two something of refill?

Man : No, no I was just leaving.

Marilyn : Yeah... me too...


SHERWOOD’S HOME – Living room

Denise : I think I got everything.

Jeremy : Have you been sitting here all day?

Denise : Not all day.

Jeremy : You're not gonna find him there, mom. If something happen they will come tell us.

Denise : Rice goes in there.

Jeremy : Oh, ok.

Denise : It's nice having you help. So I was sitting there this afternoon. I thought for the first time... I'm happy you're not going to West Point.

Jeremy : Why?

Denise : Cause I don't want you to go through this. No one should.

Jeremy : Mom I know you've been going through a lot lately and... I just wanna say I really admire you.

Denise : Thank you, Jeremy.

Jeremy : And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've done I've never should had hit you. It was wrong.


HOLDEN’S HOME – Michael’s office

Claudia Joy : Have you called about Frank?

Michael : I did, no word yet.

Claudia Joy : Please keep trying. This is so unfair to Denise.

Michael : We need to discuss this.

Claudia Joy : What is there to discuss Michael? You've made up your mind. No military funeral for Peter Belgrad. I understand. I have to pay the caters, there's a lot to do today.



Trevor : So how many times have you been deployed all the season?

Chase : 3 times. One lasted a year and a half, it was in Kuwait. It was the hardest. So when are you off?

Trevor : 3 days, Iraq.


Roxy : Marilyn was at the Hump bar last night.

Pamela : My condolences.

Roxy : Girl nearly stripped her clutch when she saw me. She had no idea I work there. She was with a man. The kind of man who wasn't her husband.

Pamela : Marilyn is having an affair?

Roxy : Shht!

Pamela : And you are waiting till now to tell me?

Roxy : Well excuse me but I worked until midnight last night.

Pamela : Yeah and my phone works 24 hours a day and so does my front door! Ok, Marilyn Polarski is having an affair.

Roxy : Hypocrit, you should have known!

Pamela : I'd like nothing more than to find a stage with a microphone right now.


Trevor : So, do you have any advice for me or...

Chase : My first deployment... I didn't know what to expect. There was a Major in my unit...  a married guy who'd been on a lot of tours, and he told me not to contact my family. Said the less I talk to them, the less I would miss them, and it would make it easier for me to get through. I called home, only 4... 5 times in 6 months. My son was 2 weeks old when I learnt he was born. The Major was right. It did make it easier... for me.

Trevor : 4 or 5 times in 6 months? Man, I don't think I could do that to Roxy.


Pamela : We can't tell anyone.

Roxy : Wait, why not? I was gonna tell Trevor, I mean... He knows her husband.

Pamela : No you can do that. I mean maybe in civilian life you could have, when someone's cheating. But not here. We have to protect each other, and even if it is Marilyn. You still have to protect another soldier's wife. It's our code.


Chase : You're asking my advice, right?

Trevor : Yeah.

Chase : Well here it is: You call her every minute you can. I hurt Pam a lot. Don't hurt your girl.


FORT MARSHALL – Michael’s office

Michael : Thank you, Pat.

Roland : Colonel.

Michael : Roland.

Roland : Thank you for seeing me.

Michael : It not a face we see around here very often, sit please.

Roland : Joan is expecting the worst. I don't know what to say to her.

Michael : That's between the two of you.

Roland : No, Sir, I don't think so. Not after what happened yesterday.

Michael : I'm sorry Roland I can't discuss internal military affairs with a civilian.

Roland : Joan's experiencing post-traumatic stress. Similar to what caused Peter Balgrad to take us hostage. And we both know the Army puts a great deal of emphasis on educating people about PTST. But a major problem I am seeing is the shame, suffer as feel. Especially those in positions of leadership and their own inability to raise their hands, and ask for help. I should have identified her problem sooner, but maybe others should have as well. You served with Joan. You know the level of commitment she's brought to 20 years of service. The Army is her life. And she's giving up... She's just gonna walk away. I can't let that happen!

Michael : Joan has been a remarkable officer. But she made a failure. There's nothing that I can do for her.

Roland : Thank you for your time.

Michael : You're welcome.

Roland : If it was your wife, I'm sure you would fight for her integrity too...



Claudia Joy : How many is there?

Amanda : About 40 small plates, 20 large ones.

Claudia Joy : Ok.

Amanda : How many people are coming?

Claudia Joy : About 75 but you always count on more so... make that 90. I've done so many of these events, I could do it in my sleep.

Amanda : Don't you ever tired of it?

Claudia Joy : Sometimes, but in the end, it's always worth it. Think about all the places we've lived all the different people we've met. I'm very fortunate.

Amanda : I would never marry a soldier.

Claudia Joy : Amanda, you don't choose who you love, it just happens.



Marilyn : Roxy?

Roxy : Hi there. Twice in one week, uh?

Marilyn : People are gonna start to talk! Look... this is really awkward. And I know I've given you and Pamela a hard time, but I need you to do something for me.I need you to please keep what you saw between us.

Roxy : Ok, well let me first be clear about something. You haven't given Pamela hard time, you've been a bitch to her. It's like it, and you don't have to worry about anything, cause I'm keeping my mouth shut.

Marilyn : Thank you. You must really love seeing me like this.

Roxy : No, actually I don't Marilyn. You see, I've seen my fair share of pain for one lifetime. So I don't really get any pleasure out of seeing others carry around with them in their suitcase.

Marilyn : You're the only person who knows about Eddie and me. It was never supposed to get this far. We were friends, just friends. My husband was deployed and... it just happened. I don't know what to do. After you saw us, you scared him. He called me and told me that was over. We both have kids, we've been trying to end it. But last night he really meant it. It really is over. And you see... the thing is... I'm in love with him. I'm so in love with him.


BURTON’S HOME – Living room

Roland : What is that?

Joan : It's an application for voluntary separation from the Army. The first step to my retirement.

Roland : And it's certain that's what you want?

Joan : Yes. I've also requested entry into a VA treatment center in Vermont for PTST. I'm gonna start with a30 day inpatient program. Then I'm gonna take it from there.



Jeremy : Mom, come here, hurry!

Claudia Joy : He's alive.

Denise : Yes!

Claudia Joy : Yeah!

Jeremy : Yes, I knew it!

Claudia Joy : He's on his way back as we speak.

Denise : Oh my God! My God, my husband is coming home! Oh my God, my husband is coming home!



Jeremy : Need any help?

Amanda : No thanks. I got it.

Jeremy : Ok.

Amanda : I'm so happy about your dad.

Jeremy : Thanks. I always knew he'd come home if he could. He loves my mom way too much to leave her.

Amanda : That's such a romantic thing to say.

Jeremy : Well it's true. You know Amanda, I talked to my mom. I told her I'm sorry, like you said.

Amanda : How did it go?

Jeremy : Good. Feels like things were finally getting better.

Amanda : It's all so amazing, isn't it?



Polarski : How this is all working out.

Trevor : Hey Sergeant Polarski!

Polarski : LeBlanc!

Trevor : You finally get to meet my girl. This is my wife Roxy. Roxy, Sergeant Polarski. One of the eyes I'm deploying with.

Roxy : Hi there Sergeant. You have to promise to keep an eye on my man, here.

Trevor : Is... Is this your wife?

Polarski : Yeah, sorry. This is the wife, Marilyn.

Marilyn : Hi.

Trevor : Hi, I'm Trevor LeBlanc.

Roxy : Yeah, I know Marilyn, we're friends.

Trevor : The pageant is about to start, you want to sit to our table?

Roxy : Thanks.


Michael : I received your application for voluntary separation from the army.

Joan : Yes, sir.

Michael : I'll consider it, I'll give you an answer tomorrow.

Joan : Thank you sir.

Roalnd : Wanna grab a seat?


Emmaln : Can I please have your attention? The kids have prepared a special song.

Kids : O beautiful for spacious skies,

for amber waves of grain.

For purple mountain majesties,

above the fruited plain!

America! America!

God shed his grace on thee,

and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!

America! America!

God shed his grace on thee

and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!


Finn : Mummy, I gotta go pee, real bad.

Roxy : That's my boy.


Pamela : He's gone.

Roxy : What?

Pamela : Chase, he's gone. They deployed Delta Force. Chase is gone!


Claudia Joy : Welcome. Welcome everyone to another Independence day picnic. Today, we commemorate the courage of our four Fathers, who in 1776 through acts of bravery and self-sacrifice guaranteed us the freedoms that we now see... as our basic human rights. Those rights are still being protected, every hour, every day by the United States military. I've spent weeks planning this party. The decorations, the food, the flowers... cause I want it to be perfect. Perfect for all of us. That's what I do. That's what I love to do. This has been one of the most extraordinary weeks of my life. I feel both devastated, and deleted. Today, I also feel shaken. I feel shaken by what hashappened, wondering... if I did enough, if I said enough... could've changed the outcome... I married a commited military man, and I have loved this military life. I have also had to put my personal opinions aside, to truly understand that our defenders of freedom are fighting a bigger battle. Not a political one. Their battle goes beyond politics, beyond religion, race or gender. They're the defenders for us all. They're the defenders of our differences. As one soldier is taken away from us, another returns to us. There is balance in the universe, and natural system of order. Look beside each soldier and you will find the people who fight with them. The spouses, the sons, the daughters, the families, we serve too... Their victories are our victories, their defeats are our defeats. Together we fight for our freedom. For 18 years, I have tried to be the perfect wife and mother. Each day, I disappoint myself. Human life isn't about perfection. It is about accepting the flawed. The misguided parts of ourselves. We keep trying, we keep loving, we keep believing.


Soldier : Ready! Aim! Fire! Ready! Aim! Fire! Ready! Aim! Fire!


Claudia Joy : I am proud of the role we play in maintaining peace in our country and in the world. I am proud to stand beside a man whose integrity shines like a diamond in the dust. And I am proud to call myself an army wife.

Rédigé par Sabby

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08.02.2021 vers 12h

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